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    Internet exchange IP/POZIX

    Horyzont Technologie Internetowe is founder and administrator of established in 2004 Internet Exchange POZIX.

    The project pozix.pl is a neutral platform for internet traffic exchange dedicated to domestic and foreign organizations dealing with provision of internet access (ISP) and internet content providers.

    The mission of the project pozix.pl is to provide the opportunity of IP traffic exchange between networks of all connected organizations regardless of the scale of their activity – current participants are both local services providers as well as international companies representing the Internet industry.

    The second main principle guiding the project is nonclassification of the traffic because of its character – current participants exchange commercial and educational traffic as well as the traffic from public institutions.

    The project is historically linked with the city of Poznan and currently has points of presence in Warsaw with scheduled locations in Cracow and Szczecin.

    The project launched content delivery nodes of the following companies:

    Akamai Technologies – thanks to this CDN the project participants can use Akamai Technologies network providing very fast access to Internet resources of the companies such as: Adobe, Apple, BMW, Ebay, Microsoft, Symantec and many more.

    Google Global Cache – thanks to this CDN the project participants can use Google Inc. resources with very fast access to the following websites: YouTube, Google Maps, Google Earth; Chrome, ChromeOS and Android updates.

    The main node of POZIX is located in the building of Poznan University of Economics in No 16 Powstańców Wielkopolskich street in Poznan/Poland.

    Access nodes are located in following locations:

    No 17 Bułgarska street, Poznań – City Stadium

    No 30 Karpia street, Poznań – DC Talex

    No 17/19 Wieniawskiego street, Poznań – DC PSNC

    No 65/70 Aleje Jerozolimskie, Warsaw – Centrum LIM

    The access to POZIX is possible through the networks of domestic companies such as:

    ATM, Exatel, GTS, Hawe, Netia, Orange, Pionier, TK  Telekom.

    We invite you to contact us at the address: info@pozix.pl