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    The year 2011 in Horyzont Internet Technologies


    The year 2011 was another year of intensive development of Horyzont Internet Technologies. Through constant investment in our network currently our infrastructure covers 90% of the city of Poznan.

    We acquired many demanding business customers for whom Internet is a critical service (among others Enea, Komputronik, Sunrise System, Winogradzka Telewizja Kablowa).

    For many customers we provide bandwidth services in volume reckoned in hundreds of megabits. Also Poznan IP Traffic Exchange Point grew; currently PIX counts 46 participants.

    In PIX we also launched Google Cache servers, improving the usability of resources of YouTube and others.

    At the end of the year, we also change legal form of company into limited liability company which will let us to perform in future bigger investment projects in the field of Internet infrastructure in Poznań and the surrounding area.

    We thank our customers for their trust - we hope that the year 2012 despite the aura surrounding the crisis will be both for us and our customers time of the development and implementation of bold projects in which the Internet will play an important rolę.

    Piotr Szałamacha CEO


    We are pleased to provide services to the following companies